Welcome to new users!
What is FaucetPay?
FaucetPay is a provider of cryptocurrency wallets where you can receive micropayments from faucets and other sites that pay using cryptocurrencies without additional charges. You will also have at your disposal an ‘Exchange‘ where you can exchange cryptocurrencies instantly.
How to create an account on FaucetPay?
Creating an account at FaucetPay is a process: very easy and fast. You just have to click on the following image. (If you are a user, just log in).
How Do I earn cryptocurrencies in this app?
To earn cryptocurrencies here you must follow the following steps:
1- You must have a FaucetPay account.
2- You must log in to your account.
3- Open the menu that you will find in the button on your left:
4- There you will find the Faucets that will give you crypto.
* In each faucet will ask you for the ADDRESS of your cryptocurrency to claim..
But where do I find my address for example of Bitcoin?
5- Go to "DEPOSIT" within your account or to the menu in the option "Fauceypay: Wallet address". There you will find all the addresses that you will use to claim in the different Faucets.
Option 1
Option 2
6- You copy the address you need.
7- You place it, where the Faucet ask for the address. Then you give to start or continue.
8- then, you will fill a Captcha.
9- click in to confirm or verify, then you will receive your crypto to your wallet.
All other Faucets work in the same way, you must copy your address to use, verify a captcha and confirm.
Soon we will be uploading tutorial videos for each faucet.